MoveZ App
How are my steps / kcal / earnings calculated?
MoveZ smart tracking technology on your phone to determine the steps you took. As an example: enabling MoveZ while in the car does show the distance you traveled, but you won't be rewarded with tokens. Running in place on a treadmill rewards you with tokens, as you were moving
Which forms of exercise are currently supported?
In the current Public Beta version, MoveZ supports running, jogging and walking. This can be done either outside, or on a treadmill. Phase 2 of the roadmap will add the support for any form of exercise!
When does the burned kcal limit reset?
To support you in engaging in a healthy lifestyle, we encourage our community to have longer workout sessions. One way of doing this is by having a cooldown on the daily rewards, which will last for 22 hours after your last rewards claim. Make the best use of this! Prepare a session, get moving, claim your rewards and take your rest to prepare for your next session!
Do I need to keep the app running while working out?
YES! MoveZ is capable to run in the background, with your phone locked, to minimize impact on battery life. However, if you (force) close the app during a session without claiming rewards, the session will be invalid.
What does the countdown timer mean?
This occurs because you have a plan that's currently active. If you're looking for information on how to activate your plan, please follow this link to access the Plans page.
MoveZ does not sell any of your information to anyone and we never will. We also impose strict restrictions on how our partners can use the data we provide. The application will collect only the necessary data to provide you with a tailored experience, while still respecting your right to privacy. Many features will be opt-in only, ensuring you can choose how much data you wish to provide, and how personalized you want your fitness journey to be.
Which NFT's are available and what do they do?
MoveZ currently supports 3 types of Booster NFTs
Pro (3 charges)
Advanced (2 charges)
Starter (1 charge)
Using a Pro NFT transforms it into an Advanced NFT. Using an Advanced NFT transforms it into a Starter NFT. Using a Starter NFT will burn the NFT. There is no difference between, for example, a Pro NFT which is freshly minted or a Pro NFT which was transformed by using an Advanced NFT.
When you're done with your workout session where you burned at least 50 kcal, you can activate an NFT on the claim screen to boost that session! A boosted session means you get additional $BURNZ!
How can I get an NFT? Who can mint NFT's?
Holding tier 1, 2 or 3 allows you to mint NFTs. Below are the weekly minting limits:
Tier 1: 1 Pro, 2 Advanced or 3 Starter NFTs
Tier 2: 1 Advanced or 2 Starter NFTs
Tier 3: 1 Starter NFT per week
NFT's can be used, transfered or sold/traded after minting.
How much does it cost to mint an NFT and how does it help the sustainable ecosystem?
100% NFT MINTING FEES WILL BE USED TO BUY AND BURN $MOVEZ AND $BURNZ 🔥75% will be used to buy and burn $BURNZ 🔥25% will be used to buy and burn $MOVEZ Pro: 1.19 BNB
Advanced: 0.89 BNB
Starter: 0.49 BNB
Tokens, blockchain, transactions
What are the main token use cases for $MOVEZ?
$MOVEZ can be obtained by buying it on one of the exchanges or by trading $BURNZ for $MOVEZ
Stake $MOVEZ to get yourself a (higher) tier and maximize your earnings
Unlock codes to hand out to your friends and help them get moving
Vote on proposals
Liquidity provider for $BURNZ
What are the main token use cases for $BURNZ?
$BURNZ can be obtained as reward for moving. You can also trade your $MOVEZ for $BURNZ
Use $BURNZ to buy/trade booster NFT's
Use $BURNZ to unlock (premium) quests and missions
Use $BURNZ to participate in events and unlock boost zones
More use cases will be added!
How do $MOVEZ and $BURNZ work together?
In short, you need $MOVEZ to get access to the app and gain a tier to determine your daily rewards. $BURNZ can be used to enhance your MoveZ experience, mint NFTs, or you can trade it for $MOVEZ to solidify your rewards!
Can I change my account to a new wallet?
You can change your wallet address by unstaking your staked tokens, transfering them to a new wallet, and stake them again. Please note, an unstake tax might be in place.
Keep in mind:
You have to manually transfer any tokens to your new wallet
You have to manually transfer your NFTs to your new wallet
Your history, achievements, rewards (etc.) will not be transfered to your new wallet
Has the token been through an audit?
Yes. The audit reports can be found here:
Has the staking platform been through an audit?
Yes. The audit reports can be found here:
Last updated